Multiple markers at this line: -Unable to transcode assets/FireF.png. -unable to resolve 'assets/F

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Multiple markers at this line: -Unable to transcode assets/FireF.png. -unable to 
 resolve 'assets/FireF.png' for transcoding


Just thought I'd add that I've run into this error in the past specifically when compiling with the command line compiler or with flex ant tasks. I was experiencing an issue where FB's built in compiler would compile without errors, but the command line/ant compilers would return with the "Invalid Embed" errors. It turned out that for some reason the command/ant compilers were having difficulty resoloving abosolute paths such as '/assets/images/myImage.png'. I was able to resolve the errors by changing the absolute path references to relative path references such as '../../../assets/images/myImage.png' in files that were reporting errors.

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