QV publisher server 是否支持集群

情况如下我有2台server 希望可以组成小集群来负责刷新后台数据. 不知道QV是否支持publisher 集群设置.如果不能就只能分别在这两台server上装QV然后分摊负载来实现了(也就是2台server  每一台跑一半左右的任务另一台跑另一半的任务).但是这样不是很智能了  是否有更好的办法?多谢.

曹浩 - QlikView顾问、QV讲师 2015-03-31 回答

I'm new to Qlikview. I'm currently working with a client with Clustered environment. I the environment has been setup and working fine for quite sometime now.
There are currently 3 servers, one is publisher, Master web server and slave web server. I wanted to identify which server does the publisher jobs and which server is the master. Below are the details furnished:
Server A has the following services running: QlikView Directory Service Connector QlikView Server QlikView Management Service QlikView Publisher Command Center Service QlikView WebServer
Server B has the following services running: QlikView Management Service QlikView Server QlikView WebServer QlikView Distribution Service
Server C has the following services running: QlikView Distribution Service QlikView Management Service.
Please help me in identifying the Publisher Server and Master Server in the environment.
It's hard to tell for sure because there are a few possible setups you can have with what you described. I would guess though that Server A is your cluster master server (i.e. the cluster is configured in the QEMC of Server A). Server B is most likely the cluster slave node. As a rule of thumb, I usually assume that whichever server has more tasks running is the master. But of course that is not always the case.
Either Server B or Server C handles Publisher tasks, because those are the only servers where Distribution Service is running. You might also have a either a dual or a clustered Publisher environment, in which case both Server B and C are Publishing.
