美国的SSIS 英语面试题目,大家帮忙看看吧

Why create event handler, tell the most functions you used and what the following action you will do?
    [] Checkpoint and breakpoint, explain what kind of situation you will do it[/][] How to do dynamic configuration, name at least 3 ways and explain how to do[/][] How to call Child package[/][] Why only use control flow, not create data flow in a SSIS package, what is the package purpose for[/][] The difference of Bulk insert task of SSIS and Bulk insert of SQL server[/]

    [] What, why, and how to do CDC in SSIS [/]

BIWORK - 热衷于微软BI技术,技术架构和解决方案! 2014-11-21 回答

  1. Why create event handler, tell the most functions you used and what the following action you will do
Event handler in SSIS can help you monitor the execution status of package or task level. For example if you want to log the execution start time of package or task, you can set the event handler for package or specified tasks.

The functions we usually use include the OnPreExecute, OnPostExecute, OnError etc. We can log the start time, the source component, the execution instance ID at 'Pre Execution' stage by opening the 'OnPreExecute' and we can update the end time of log on 'Post Execute', then we will get the duration of tasks or packages.

On Error, we can record and log the error messge, error information, error source information.

The logging on event handlers, we can use Execute SQL Task to insert or update record in logging table.

We also can send notification email in Event Handler, to send the error message to dev or operation group, they will get the error email and to resolve the issue ASAP.

You can find the event handler information from this course-

Lesson 20 - 020_使用 Send Mail Task 监控包错误并发送邮件 (Using Send Mail Task to track the error and send notification email
Lesson 39 - 039_使用 Row Count 记录从数据源写入目标表的条数 (Using Row Count to log the row records of inserted)

BIWORK - 热衷于微软BI技术,技术架构和解决方案! 2014-11-21 回答

  1. Checkpoint and breakpoint, explain what kind of situation you will do it
Please get more information from my post 微软BI 之SSIS 系列 - 通过设置 CheckPoints 检查点来增强 SSIS Package 流程的重用性

They're different. To use CheckPoint to rerun the package from the latest success step base on the previous execution. To save time, to shorten the duration.

Breakpoint - Just to debug your program in SSIS, especially when you use Script Task on Contral Flow and use Script Component on Data Flow, you can set the breakpoint to debug the C# or VB script step by step to track the error reason.

Please see lesson 21 and 22 on this course - http://school.flybi.net/course/21 微软BI SSIS 2012 ETL 控件与案例精讲, I mentioned how to use breakpoint in Script Task.

BIWORK - 热衷于微软BI技术,技术架构和解决方案! 2014-11-21 回答

  1. How to do dynamic configuration, name at least 3 ways and explain how to do

Environment Variables - You can add environment variable to local server, and configure the environment variable in your package configuration.

XML Configuration - To configure the parameters on an XML configuration file.

Database Configuration - To configure the parameters on SQL Server Table, when you configure it on SQL Server, the SSIS will help create a table [SSIS Configuration] something like that, all the variables can be configured in this table. To use Configuration Filter to record the different configuration items.

Above all configuration should be done in SSIS package when you open the SSIS Configuration property, then choose the configuration type and choose what variables you want to configure.

In this post, I at least mentioned two configuraiton ways:
如何在 ETL 项目中统一管理上百个 SSIS 包的日志和包配置框架
Environment Variable and Database Configuration.

In SQL Server 2012, you also can configure the parameters on Job, it provides the access to SSIS packages.

BIWORK - 热衷于微软BI技术,技术架构和解决方案! 2014-11-21 回答

  1. How to call Child package
To use Execute Package Task and connect to the child package file.

  1. Why only use control flow, not create data flow in a SSIS package, what is the package purpose for
Control flow is used to control the whole data process work flow, whole work flows can run parallelly or one by one.

Data Flow is to build the flow of data extraction, transformation and loading.

  1. The difference of Bulk insert task of SSIS and Bulk insert of SQL server.
They all almost the same, just the Bulk Insert Task is a wrapper of Bulk Insert in SQL Server, and we don't recommand to use Bulk Insert Task in SSIS now, because most of time I think the data flow task can load and insert data very fast.

  1. What, why, and how to do CDC in SSIS
Please refer to MSDN post - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-u ... .aspx
http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-c ... .aspx

Simply, we use it to capture the source changes. The common way to incrementally load data from source is to execute package called by Job nightly. You can use CDC to capture the data changes and load data to data warehouse.

天桥下的郑成功 - Hadoop大数据开发工程师、数仓架构师、熟悉数据仓库设计、Hadoop、Spark、HBase、Hive、SSIS等开发 2014-11-21 回答

  1. CheckPoint 和 BreakPoint
检查点功能和断点调试功能, 检查点功能只可以使用在ControlFlow。5个步骤,第三个错了的时候前2个不必重复。
调试功能在ScriptTask 和 ScriptComponent里非常管用,类似C#开发在VS里调试
  1. 上面B老师已经说了, SSIS2012里分别可以使用包配置 参数 变量
  2. 包调用通过使用一个父包调用子包
  3. ControlFlow注重于流程的控制,DataFlow注重数据的处理
  4. 我感觉他们两个没有区别,SSIS的BulkInsert是调用SQLServer的实现的 我感觉是哈。说的不对的要请B老师指点一下

天桥下的郑成功 - Hadoop大数据开发工程师、数仓架构师、熟悉数据仓库设计、Hadoop、Spark、HBase、Hive、SSIS等开发 2014-11-21 回答

CDC的话,一般不用SQL带的这个CDC。 它主要是实现 增量更新,缓慢变化维。

lyll106 2015-04-05 回答

b老师,在项目中“如何在 ETL 项目中统一管理上百个 SSIS 包的日志和包配置框架”这个用处太大了,可否请b老师录制一个专题视频,让我们学习呢,看了你的文章,由于能力有限啊,还是晕的,看视频直接些,可加在“微软BI SSIS 2012 ETL 控件与案例精讲“,先谢了
