如何将sas装进jupyter notebook里面?

希望将sas装进jupyter notebook里面好写报告。sas9.4版本 ,anaconda里面Python是3.6版本,参考了github上面的说明,但是对于最后一步的更改不是很明白,求教。

github网址:sassoftware/sas_kernel ,主要是这一步:

Verify SAS Executable is correct

find the sascfg.py file -- it is currently located in the install location (see above) [install location]/site-packages/saspy/sascfg.py
This command will search the OS for the file location:
find / -name sascfg.py
edit the file with the correct path the SAS executable and include
any options you wish it include in the SAS invocation. See examples in
the file
