obiee12c impersonate功能配置

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由于运维的需求, 需要在不知道用户密码的情况下使用该用户登录, impersonate还是需要的,访问方式类似如下:

http://server:port/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard&NQUser=user name&NQPassword=password&impersonate= impersonated_user 

不过obiee12c中 把11g的权限去掉了。


step1. disable Light Weight SSO

1. Stop the BI system.


2.execute WLST offline


   For example:

      wls:/offline> disableBISingleSignOn('/u01/config/domains/bi')

3.start the BI system


step2. 配置impersonate权限给具体用户或role



  1. Connect to Fusion Middleware Control for your Oracle BI EE instance using an administration account.
  2. From the Weblogic Domain menu, select Security.
  3. Click Application Policies.
  4. Click Create to display the Create Application Grant page.
  5. In the Permissions section, click Add (+).
  6. Select Resource Types.
  7. Select from the Resource Type list.
  8. Click Continue to display the Add Permission dialog.
  9. Enter an asterisk (*) in the Resource Name field.
  10. Select impersonate in the Permission Actions section.
  11. Click Select.You now add a new grantee.
  12. In the Grantee section click Add (+) to display the Add Principal dialog.
  13. Select User from the drop down list.
  14. Select Includes from the Principal Name list, and enter an asterisk (*) into the field.
  15. Click the search arrow icon (>) to display a list of users.
  16. Select the user you want to give the permission to and click OK.This example uses weblogic.
  17. Click OK on the Create Application Grant page.This gives the impersonate permission to the user.
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