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2、耐心、坚持:看user guide本来就比较吃力,如果看官方的EN版本,对于英语比较头疼的人就更吃力了(有些单词实在不认识,就得靠翻译软件了,这里推荐用translate.google.cn)。

3、多做练习:平时实际开发过程中使用到的知识点,往往是比较片面的。而user guide的内容比较全面,因而需要多做一些扩充练习,达到熟能生巧。对于有些你不常使用的知识点,建议也不厌其烦的做一遍,即便是很简单的知识点。

4、对症下药:如果仅仅是为了考试,那也没必要把user guide从头到尾全部看一遍。对症下药才是提高效率的最佳绝经。官方提示的复习考点:http://www-03.ibm.com/certify/tests/objCOG-132.shtml。针对这些考点,有的放矢的获取知识点:

Common Data Structures and Traps (16%)

  1. Identify Common Data Structures
  2. Identify different data traps

Framework Manager Basics (16%)

  1. Identify the different model types that can be published from Framework Manager
  2. Define the purpose of Framework Manager
  3. Create a project
  4. Identify recommendations for preparing metadata

Predictable Results (16%)

  1. Identify recommendations to achieve predictable results
  2. Describe why and how to implement a time dimension
  3. Identify techniques for creating intuitive business views

Security (9%)

  1. Describe the Cognos 8 security environment
  2. Describe how to implement security on models and packages

Project Management and Maintenance (5%)

  1. Identify techniques for managing Framework Manager projects
  2. Identify techniques for managing Framework Manager packages

Query Subject Types (9%)

  1. Identify different query subject types and uses

Generated SQL and Complex Queries (18%)

  1. Identify SQL Generation in Complex Queries
  2. Identify aggregated result sets for multi-fact queries
  3. Identify aggregations in Report Studio SQL

Optimization and Tuning (5%)

  1. Describe the performance impact of queries

Advanced Techniques (7%)

  1. Describe how to leverage user defined functions
  2. Describe how to resolve a recursive relationship
  3. Identify considerations for drill-through values and managing MUNs
推荐 1
本文由 贝克汉姆 创作,采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 3.0 中国大陆许可协议 进行许可。
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